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Statiile pentru comunicatie lucreaza pe banda VHF si UHF, sunt stabile si garanteaza comunicare radio la standarde militare. Standardul STD-810 este emis de catre armata Statelor Unite pentru a specifica diferite conditii de testare ale statiilor Motorolla. Acest intercom este o versiune mult imbunatatia si de incredere fata de un simplu walkie talkie.


Pentru grupuri mai mici ce lucreaza la distanta, scanner-ul Talk Around va monitoriza atat emitatorul cat si receptorul pentru a stabili daca o legatura directa este posibila.


Intercom Motorolla Walkie Talkie

    • 16 Channels
    • 5 Watts
    • VHF or UHF Frequency Operation (choose when ordering)
    • Compact Size and Improved Portability
    • Easy to carry and easy to operate.
    • Built-In Safety Features for Worker Emergencies
    • Includes built-in Emergency notification that will swtich to a designated channel and send an emergency alert.
    • For enhanced worker safety, the Lone Worker mode is a built-in timer that requires the user to reset at a predetermined interval. If not reset, the radio automatically switches to Emergency mode to alert help.
    • More Battery Power Options For Every Budget
    • Designed to use powerful Li-Ion and Ni-MH battery technology with three options providing up to 9 hours to 16.5 hours of operation with the battery saver enabled.
    • Get 4 scanning options for convenience and flexibility in the way you need your radios to perform. Includes: Priority, Dual Watch, Follow Me and Talk Around scan.
    • Exclusive Auto-Range Transpond System (ARTS™)
    • Designed to inform the user when out of communication range with another ARTS™-equipped station. If out of range more than 2 minutes, the radio senses no signal and beeps to alert the user. The base station can then alert the field unit to move back into range. A great solution to keep your workers coordinated.
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